søndag den 25. august 2013

Pixie Moon Miss Sophie

My knitted doll - Pixie Moon Miss Sophie - she is not quite done yet, but almost. I am making her another outfit, and she still needs ears and lips. But she is so cute, I love knitting her..

tirsdag den 13. august 2013

Working project: Pixie Moon Miss Sophie

I am working with my new project "Pixie Moon Miss Sophie", and you can see the unfinished doll, she looks a little sad without eyes and hair. The head is left unfinished because I had to order the eyes from US, you cannot bye coloured safety eye here in Denmark. And I couldn't wait knitting the body because there are several weeks of delivery from the US to Scandinavia.

søndag den 4. august 2013

fredag den 2. august 2013

mandag den 22. juli 2013

Baby billeder / Newborn photo

Lone har taget fantastiske baby billeder med de fine baby kyser i Kid Silk.

Newborn photo with the Baby Bonnet knitted in white Kid Silk - Lone Jensen Photography

Viking hat

I made this fun viking hat for a little danish viking - you kan buy the pattern on Etsy if you want to make one yourself: Designs by Tara Murray - if you don't know how to crochet, feel free to contact me for help :-).

torsdag den 18. juli 2013

Baby Bonnet in Kid Silk

I am knitting Baby Bonnets in Kid Silk yarn in green, Blue and pink 
Har brugt min sommerferie på at strikke og hækle søde baby huer, som skal bruges til fotografering af nyfødte. Du kan se billederne her på siden løbende som de bliver taget.

mandag den 15. juli 2013

Baby Legwarmers Photoprop

Look at these tiny baby legwarmers. I made them for Lone Rose to use as a photo prop - I love them :-)

The legwarmers are knitted in rounds, very easy to make. If you wan't to crochet the The Star Stitch Legwarmers, you can buy the pattern here: Dizzy Stitch Crochet - feel free to contact me or any help :-)

torsdag den 11. juli 2013

Knitted Baby Hats

Knitted baby Hats with crochet flowers - this is my Mix & Match Collection, made as a Baby Photo Prop for Newborn Photo